
Hornsea Carnival Committee Constitution

Adopted 13th September 2021





1: The name of the association is Hornsea Carnival Committee

(“The Carnival Committee”)





2: The Carnival Committee’s primary object is to arrange and organise the annual Carnival plus other activities for the benefit of the residents and visitors to Hornsea and surrounding villages


2.1: The Carnival Committee reserve the right to distribute any excess funds to other charitable or worthy causes in the Hornsea area. National and International charities will not be donated to.




3: In furtherance of the Objects but not otherwise the Carnival Committee may exercise the following powers:


  • : Power to raise funds and to invite and receive contributions provided that in raising funds the Carnival Committee shall not undertake any substantial permanent trading activities and shall conform to any relevant requirements of law.


  • : Power to buy, take of leases or exchange any property necessary for the achievement of the objective and to maintain it and equip it for use.


  • : Power to co-operate with charities, other voluntary organisations, and statutory authorities, operating in furtherance of the objectives or of similar charitable purposes, and to exchange information and advice with them.


  • : Power to establish or support any charitable trusts, associations or institutes formed for all or any


  • : Power to do all such other lawful things as are necessary for the achievement of the


4: Membership of the Carnival Committee shall be open to:

  • : Individuals over the age of 18 years, interested in furthering the objectives and who have been accepted by a majority of members of the Carnival Committee at a general meeting considering the application.


  • : Any unincorporated association which is interested in furthering the objective, and which has been recommended for membership by three members of the Carnival Committee (any such body being called in the constitution a “member organisation”)


  • : Every member shall have a vote


  • : Each member organisation shall appoint an individual to represent it, and to vote on its behalf at meetings of the Carnival Committee and may appoint an alternative to replace its appointed representative at any meeting of the Carnival Committee if the appointed representative is unable to


  • : Each member organisation shall notify the name of the representative appointed by it, and of any alterations to the If the representative or alternate resigns from or otherwise leaves the member organisation he or she shall immediately cease to be the representative of the member organisation.


  • : The Carnival Committee may and for good reason terminate the membership of any individual or member organisation by resolution passed at a general meeting, provided that the individual concerned or the appointed representative of the member organisation concerned (as the case may be) shall have the right to be heard by the Carnival Committee accompanied by a friend at the general


  • : Any member who does not attend a meeting or send apologies to the secretary or acknowledge that they have read their copy of the minutes for a period of 6 months shall no longer be deemed a member.


  • : Attendance to 50% of meetings is required. If a member is unable to attend a meeting they must send apologies to the Chairman or Secretary and have nominated another committee member to act as a proxy on their behalf at the meeting.

Honorary Officers

5: At the annual general meeting of the Carnival Committee which shall be held in November in each year, or at a Special General Meeting convened for that purpose in the event of an Honorary Officer being unable to continue, the members shall elect from amongst themselves a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer, who shall hold office from the conclusion of that meeting until the next annual general meeting.

Members not to be Personally Interested


6: No member of the Carnival Committee shall acquire any personal interest in property belonging to the Committee or receive remuneration or be interested (otherwise than as a member of the Carnival Committee) in any contract entered into by the Carnival Committee.


Meetings and procedures of the Carnival Committee


  • : The Carnival committee shall hold meetings as and when necessary and the chairperson shall chair the meeting or in the absence of the chairperson the Vice-Chairperson shall Chair the meeting or in the absence of the Vice-Chairperson the Secretary shall chair the meeting provided always that the meeting is quorate.


  • : There shall be a quorum when a least one third of the members of the Carnival Committee are present at a meeting provided always that two of the Honorary Officers are present at the meeting.


  • : Before any matter shall be discussed at a meeting it shall first be submitted to the Secretary at least 24 hours prior to the meeting at which it is to be Provided always that the Chairperson of the meeting shall, at his or her sole discretion permit any other business to be discussed and voted upon.


  • : Every matter shall be determined by a majority of votes of the members present and voting on the question, but in the case of equality of votes the Chair of the meeting shall have a second or casting vote.


  • : The Carnival Committee may appoint one or more subcommittees consisting of two or more members of the Carnival committee for the purpose of making inquiry, supervising or performing any function or duty which in the opinion of the Carnival Committee would be more conveniently undertaken or carried out by a subcommittee, provided that all acts and proceedings of any subcommittee shall be fully and promptly reported to the committee through the Chair.


  • : No member has the authority of the Carnival Committee to commit the Carnival committee to any activity or expense without first obtaining the prior approval of the Carnival Committee or the chairperson.


  • : In the absence of the Chairperson, the Vice-Chairperson shall assume the duties and powers of the Chairperson under this constitution.


  • : The Carnival Committee shall keep minutes in books kept for the purpose of the proceedings at meetings of the Carnival Committee and any subcommittee.


  • : The Carnival Committee may from time to time make and alter rules for the conduct of their business, the summoning and conduct of their meetings, and the custody of documents, provided that no rule may be made which is inconsistent with this constitution.


Receipts and Expenditure


8: The funds of the Carnival Committee including all donations and contributions shall be paid into an account operation by the Honorary Officers in the name of the Carnival Committee at such bank, and in such accounts as the Carnival Committee shall from time to time decide. All cheques drawn on any account must be signed by two Honorary Officers. Should any two Honorary Members be partners, they may not sign together.


  • : Members who incur personal expenditure when carrying out duties for and on behalf of the Carnival Committee shall be reimbursed such expenditure on submission of a duly completed expenses form countersigned by the Chairperson or Vice- Chairperson or the Secretary.


  • : The funds of the Carnival Committee shall be applied only in furthering the Objects.




9: The Carnival Committee shall keep annual accounts to the year ended 30th September each year, copies of which shall be provided to all members before or at the annual general meeting following and shall be available for inspection by members of the public at such annual general meeting.


Special General Meetings


10: Members may call a Special General Meeting of the Carnival Committee at any time if at least 25% of members, including at least one Honorary Officer, request such a meeting in writing, stating the business to be considered and the Secretary shall call such a meeting for which at least 14 days notice must be given, and the notice must state the business  to be discussed.


Procedures at General Meetings


  1. : The Secretary shall keep a full record of proceedings at every general meeting of the Carnival Committee


  • : There shall be a quorum when at least one third of the members of the Carnival Committee, including an Honorary Officer able to chair the meeting, are present


Alterations to the Constitution


12: This constitution may be altered by a resolution passed by not less than three quarters of the members of the Carnival Committee present and voting at a general meeting. The notice of the general meeting must include notice of the resolution setting out the terms of the alteration.




13: If the members of the Carnival Committee decide it is necessary or advisable to dissolve the Carnival Committee the proposal shall be voted upon in a general meeting, and if passed the Honorary Officers shall have power to realise any assets held by or on behalf of the Carnival committee, and after the satisfaction of the proper debts and liabilities such assets shall be given or transferred to other organisation or institutions having objectives similar to the Carnival Committee.




14: This constitution was adopted on the date mentioned above by the persons whose signatures appear below.

Mike Hill – Secretary – 2020

Allan Illes – Chairperson – 2020

Matt Nicholson – Treasurer – 2020